(W10) How to take care of wellbeing online?

    Richardson & Milovidov (2019) highlighted three aspects of online wellbeing, ethics and empathy, health and well-being, and e-Presence and communication. I then come up with some suggestions in each aspect to care for wellbeing online. 

  • Ethics and empathy: Consume online products with clear contexts to understand others' perspectives. Pause to regulate overwhelming emotions. Deeply "listen" to others without making judgements or rush conclusions.
  • Healthy and well-being: Moderate time spent online, especially on social media, through self-discipline and tracking apps. Use Pomodoro technique to manage time effectively and stay focused with intervals away from screen. Set up the space where online activities take place (workplace and home) to ensure correct posture that is not harmful for the spine. Do exercises during break time to eliminate effects of long screen time on different parts of the body such as shoulders, neck and spine.
  • e-Presence and communication: Apply nonviolent communication principles and process to connect with others and understand their underlying needs without hurting anyone (Check out my post of this topic: https://socialmedialearningdesign.blogspot.com/2024/07/non-violent-communication-in-social.html). Build one's presence with purpose and authenticity.

    Do you have any other suggestions? What are your thoughts about the above suggestions?


Richardson, J., & Milovidov, E. (2019). Digital citizenship education handbook: Being online, well-being online, and rights online. Council of Europe. https://rm.coe.int/16809382f9


  1. Pink's corner

    Using digital tools and resources to advance mental, emotional, and physical health is known as "taking wellbeing online." As technology becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it's critical to figure out how to improve and preserve wellbeing on the internet. This is a thorough handbook with resources, tools, and techniques for taking wellbeing online. The term "online wellbeing" describes the use of digital tools to uphold a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It includes social ties, emotional resilience, physical and mental wellness. Promoting online wellbeing is crucial for overall health as technology becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives.

    1. I resonate with your perspective of using digital tools to uphold a healthy and balanced lifestyle. When contemplating about online wellbeing, I mostly thought about how to maintain wellbeing despite the loaded use of internet. Beyond that, digital tools, resources and networks truly help us nurture our wellbeing in varied ways. We can learn more about that, connect to people with shared interests and purposes, or use tools that facilitate our daily wellbeing habits (such as health tracking apps).

  2. Just like with anything, the amount of social media and online use should be monitored. I find myself exhausted after being on screens all day. Whether it's for research, social media, work, or leisure, it's important for one's online well-being to use the web in moderation. I love your points on here and how you provide strategies that are realistic and simple for people to use.


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